Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello. Have you met my imaginary friend?

Any 'Charlie and Lola' fans out there will know that the picture above is of Lola and her imaginary friend 'Soren Lorensen'. We love Charlie & Lola and we especially love Soren Lorensen; a brilliant creation who always appears in black and white, and occasionally is just a faint silvery outline, barely visible on the page.

I didn't have an imaginary friend as a child, so I am quite intrigued by my 3 year old's friendship with someone/something who he calls 'Baa' (I'm guessing that is how the name is spelt, but having never met the fellow/lady/creature, I could be mistaken).

'Baa' turned up about a year ago and has been mentioned quite regularly ever since, especially at bedtime when we are often reminded to, "say goodnight to Baa." Thankfully, my son and Baa's friendship hasn't yet resulted in us needing to set an extra place at the dinner table or invest in an extra car seat. In fact, details of Baa are sketchy and seem to change quite often. We haven't yet established whether Baa is male or female, but we think we're pretty certain that he/she lives in England.

More recently, another 'friend', who currently goes by the name of 'John Steven' has cropped up in conversation. I'm not sure whether he's a passing guest or will become a regular visitor. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure whether Baa and John Steven have been properly introduced to each other. The mind boggles.

Anyway, if anyone out there knows of a person who goes by the name of Baa, please let me know. I'd very much like to meet him.

Do your children have imaginary friends and what do you think of it if they do?

Source: http://hotcrossmum.blogspot.com/2011/01/hello-have-you-met-my-imaginary-friend.html

natural parenting pre school education autism

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