Thursday, March 31, 2011

Breastfeeding and race: Why we need more diversity among lactation consultants


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

7:51 am

In the painful pre-dawn hours of morning - with the windows backlit a dusky rose - he chipperly joined me in bed. It's almost 8 now and he's perpendicular to me with his feet on my hip. Guess he wasn't quite ready to meet the day at dawn, huh?


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Silver Lining: A Motherfesto


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Martha vs. The Grinch


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Preparing an older sibling for a new birth at PhD in Parenting


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Wordless Wednesday: Fluff surprise


interior design natural parenting pre school education

My Op-Ed in The Journal News

I have an op-ed in today’s Journal News. This is a Gannett paper that serves the suburban counties just north of New York City. This is the link and lede: Cuomo’s medical malpractice ‘reform’ will hurt victims and taxpayers Gov. Andrew Cuomo is now proposing to grant immunities and protections to hospitals that injure or [...]


natural parenting pre school education autism

Rocking Wednesday


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Quite the snake


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

8:14 am (WW): Big yawn


autism pedophile divorce

Wordless Wednesday: Big brother gift


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Sunday Surf: Less-medicated birth, public feeding, & adventurous living


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

10 Reasons Why I?m a Crap Mum


natural parenting pre school education autism

Is Mother's Day important?

It's kind of difficult to ignore the fact that Mother's Day is looming. The shops and online stores are festooned with ideas for Mothers Day Presents and I can't find any straightforward birthday cards for four and five-year-olds; they've all been removed to make way for the millions of Mother's Day cards. And this, apart from giving me a birthday card induced headache, has me thinking about the relevance and importance of Mother's Day.

Of course the day has proper historical foundations from the ancient Greeks and in more recent times was linked to the fourth Sunday of Lent, but as far as modern day 'Mother's Day', has it just become another commercial 'Hallmark' day, or does it actually still mean something?

Mother's Day is an odd occasion for me: having lost my own mum in my early twenties I can't participate in the day as a daughter; but since having my own children, I obviously can now participate as a mother. But I'm still not entirely sure I'm all that bothered.

Of course, it's lovely to get a little home-made card with a picture of yourself on the front which makes you look like a banshee, and a cup of tea in bed never goes amiss, but apart from that I can honestly say I don't expect - or need - any more fuss to be made of me. Perhaps I'm missing a trick. Perhaps I'm missing the point? I really don't know.

Maybe when I'm old and grey (or should that be older and greyer), I'll be more insistent that my errant sons buck their ideas up and at least phone me on Mother's Day, even if the flowers and expensive lunch never materialise. But for now, the cup of tea in bed and an extra special cuddle will do quite nicely.

What about you? Do you have high hopes for the day? Do you make a big fuss of your own mother and do you expect/hope to be showered with gifts and attention yourself, or does it not really bother you?

Answers on an over-sized, pink, floral infested greetings card please.


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Is Mother's Day important?

It's kind of difficult to ignore the fact that Mother's Day is looming. The shops and online stores are festooned with ideas for Mothers Day Presents and I can't find any straightforward birthday cards for four and five-year-olds; they've all been removed to make way for the millions of Mother's Day cards. And this, apart from giving me a birthday card induced headache, has me thinking about the relevance and importance of Mother's Day.

Of course the day has proper historical foundations from the ancient Greeks and in more recent times was linked to the fourth Sunday of Lent, but as far as modern day 'Mother's Day', has it just become another commercial 'Hallmark' day, or does it actually still mean something?

Mother's Day is an odd occasion for me: having lost my own mum in my early twenties I can't participate in the day as a daughter; but since having my own children, I obviously can now participate as a mother. But I'm still not entirely sure I'm all that bothered.

Of course, it's lovely to get a little home-made card with a picture of yourself on the front which makes you look like a banshee, and a cup of tea in bed never goes amiss, but apart from that I can honestly say I don't expect - or need - any more fuss to be made of me. Perhaps I'm missing a trick. Perhaps I'm missing the point? I really don't know.

Maybe when I'm old and grey (or should that be older and greyer), I'll be more insistent that my errant sons buck their ideas up and at least phone me on Mother's Day, even if the flowers and expensive lunch never materialise. But for now, the cup of tea in bed and an extra special cuddle will do quite nicely.

What about you? Do you have high hopes for the day? Do you make a big fuss of your own mother and do you expect/hope to be showered with gifts and attention yourself, or does it not really bother you?

Answers on an over-sized, pink, floral infested greetings card please.


interior design natural parenting pre school education

How do you use a breastpump on an orangutan?


natural parenting pre school education autism

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Quite the snake


natural parenting pre school education autism

The Colourful Me


autism pedophile divorce

Influenced Vegetable Stew

Influenced by whom you wonder? Mollie Katzen again. While everyone else I know is loving up and “Tackling Mark Bittman” (blog hop anyone?), I remain in a state of Bittman ignorance and find kinship with my old pal Mollie instead. I had no idea what to make tonight. All I knew is that I wanted [...]

Related posts:
  1. Foodie Fridays: Vegetable Pie with Grated Potato Crust
  2. Vegetarian Foodie Fridays: Chickpea Potato Stew
  3. Vegetarian Foodie Fridays: Chard and Vegetable Bake with Quinoa and Mushroom Topping


interior design natural parenting pre school education

My Experience of Being Married To a Partner Who Isn?t Always Sure That Attachment Parenting Is Best

I found this post in the draft section of my blog. It was originally written one year ago, and I have finally decided to publish it. My husband has been supportive of natural parenting, but I do get the sense that if he had married and had kids with someone else he wouldn’t be adamant [...]

Related posts:
  1. Monday Musings: Becoming An Attachment Parent
  2. Self-Attachment: Smart Babies Want to Breastfeed
  3. What Is Natural Parenting? Embracing Real Food


pre school education autism pedophile

April Carnival of Natural Parenting Call for Submissions

We continue to be delighted with the advice and stories our Carnival of Natural Parenting participants share, and we hope you’ll join us for the next carnival in April! (Check out January, February, March, and the full list of 2010 posts if you missed them.) Your co-hosts are Dionna at Code Name: Mama and Lauren [...]

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, April Carnival of Natural Parenting Call for Submissions. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!


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Having a conversation about slut-shaming with your primary schooler

Here is a piece written by Airial Clark on discussing slut-shaming with her 11 year old son. It is from Good Vibrations Magazine. I can’t think of anything amazing to say about it, too late at night here, but go read it, it’s really great: After making me promise I wouldn?t call the school and [...]


autism pedophile divorce

Mummy Love Is.....

Mummy Love Is?.

  • Sitting with a dead arm for hours because your baby has fallen asleep on you and they are sooooo comfortable you can?t bear to wake them
  • Not eating the last of the chocolate buttons from the easter egg because you know someone small will come looking for them someday soon
  • Getting back out of bed and getting dressed so you can drive to the shop and get milk before the morning
  • Wiping up endless amounts of liquid and semi-solid substances from floors
  • Touching an alarmingly large python to show your child that they are not scary
  • Retrieving a beloved teddy from your sleeping child, washing it, drying it and tucking it back under their little arm before you go to bed
  • Forgiving your child, endlessly
  • Running upstairs to check on the baby the minute the baby-sitter leaves
  • Being the only person in the room who understood what your toddler just said
  • Waking up at 5am on Christmas morning with butterflies because you can?t wait to see your children?s faces
  • Not swearing out loud in front of the children, ever, despite harbouring massive amounts of outrage
  • Gluing a teeny tiny piece of plastic onto another teeny tiny piece of plastic and holding them together for an age because you promised to fix the broken Scoop toy
  • Listening to your child singing a nursery rhyme, which you have sung to them since they were a baby
  • Not eating the last two fancy cupcakes you shared with your girl friends because you know how excited your children will be when you produce them after tea the next day
  • Trawling around the shops on a rainy day looking for stick on goggly eyes because you promised your little boy he could make the thing he saw on CBeebies
  • Trying to write a blog post about your wonderful children whilst running up and down the stairs 11 times (I counted) to re-settle them, fetch more milk, find lost teddies etc etc.
This post was originally written in 2009.

Happy Valentine's Day.


natural parenting pre school education autism

Experiments in early writing


autism pedophile divorce

Monday, March 28, 2011

Breastfeeding in emergencies: Feed the mother so she can feed her child


pre school education autism pedophile



pre school education autism pedophile

The Great Indoors

It was 6pm on a wild, wet and windy evening. Two small boys bravely battled their way up the steep incline (stairs) to their selected campsite (the attic) with only a few carefully selected teddies and a Winnie-the-Pooh and a cow torch to light their way.

Up ahead (in the attic) their mother (me) struggled to get their small, tent (normally used on the beach to prevent UVA light) to stay upright. The ground was too solid (wooden and indoors) to hammer in the pegs, so she frantically searched the immediate vicinity (the rest of the attic) for alternative means to secure the guide ropes. Finally, she located four securing devices (a rocking horse, a shelving unit, a chair and an amp) and the campsite (tent in attic) was ready for its intrepid adventurers.

The boys snuggled down onto their make-shift beds (pillows) and eagerly tucked into their supplies of cheese and ham sandwiches (and some grapes which were not eaten). Slightly weakened by their exhertions in climbing (the stairs) to their camp (attic), they were delighted to find a (left over from Christmas dinner) After Eight mint at the bottom of their tuck box (small plastic bowl).

As the wind continued to howl and the rain lashed the night sky (attic windows), they listened to stories of another brave adventurer (a 'Where's Wally' book from Santa) and studied his ancient texts, trying to locate him among confusing scenes of terrible battles and shipwrecks.

Showing signs of being ready for sleep (it was 8pm), their mother kissed the small boys goodnight and retreated to base camp (the sofa). But the boys were restless and the bigger boy trekked back down the steep incline (stairs) several times to inform base camp that the smallest boy wouldn't stop talking and was stopping him from getting to sleep.

After several return journeys to and from the higher camp (the attic) the mother suggested that the smallest boy might be better off in his own bed. He thought this was a great idea; as did the bigger boy who grabbed his teddies and ran gleefully into the comfort of his own bed.

It was 9pm. Camping had lasted for three entire hours, which - everyone agreed - was quite enough adventure for one night.

Who needs the Great Outdoors when the Great Indoors has so much excitement to offer?

If you liked this post, you might also like this post, in which the kitchen became a fancy French restaurant for a night (or something like that).


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

I have never.....

On The Graham Norton Show last weekend (yes, my weekends are THAT exciting), there was some discussion about a show which one of his guests, Marcus Brigstocke, is hosting where celebs confess to things they have never done.

This caught my interest, especially as I have a BIG birthday looming this year, and I thought it was a good time to think of some things I have never done, and aim to rectify some, or all, of them during 2011. Now, of course it would be silly of me to list things like 'I have never landed on the moon' or 'I have never had legs like Elle McPherson' because, let's face it, those things are NEVER going to happen to me.

So, being very realistic, here is my 'I have never' list . I wonder how many I can convert to an 'I have' list before the year is out.

1. I have never watched 'It's A Wonderful Life' in full, despite owning a copy of it. I have also never seen 'Fatal Attraction', any of 'The Godfather' trilogy, 'Dr Zhivago', 'Schindler's List', or either of the 'Sex and the City' movies.
2. I have never read (among others) 'Little Women', 'The Catcher in the Rye', 'Huckleberry Finn', 'The Great Gatsby' or 'Frankenstein',
3. I have never been to New York, Budapest, Glasgow, Stockholm, Sligo or Wolverhampton (surely there's a chance I'll make it to one of these places in the next 12 months!).
4. I have never eaten a 'Fillet-o-Fish', a McFlurry, a king sized Mars Bar or a Hershey's Bar.
5. I have never seen an episode of 'Grey's Anatomy' or any of the CSI's.
6. I have never worn false eyelashes.
7. I have never been up for sunrise at a summer or winter solstice.
8. I have never done a parachute jump or a skydive (not sure I want to do either actually).
9. I have never had a book published (this is my year, this is my year, this is my year.....)
10. I have never made soda bread or pizza dough (hangs head in domestic shame).
11. I have never worn Chanel No. 5.
12. I have never been arrested (and am perfectly happy to leave it that way).
13. I have never drunk a vodka martini - shaken, or stirred.
14. I have never been in a limo.

So, that's the list so far, although I already get the feeling that I'll want to keep adding to it in a 'My Name is Earl' kinda way.

So, what have you never done and is 2011 the year to do it?


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Can you do nothing for 2 minutes?

I was sent a link recently by the very lovely author and Tweet-aholic Colette Caddle. She thought it would help to calm me down after I had expressed a large amount of outrage at the Andy Gray/Richard Keys football hoo-ha. She was quite right!

The link simply asks you to do nothing for two whole minutes. Just two little minutes. Easy, I thought. Just sit at the desk and listen to the soothing sound of waves and do nothing. Pah.

I tried it. It is not as easy as you might think.

Why not give it a go and come back and tell me how you did.

So, did you resist the urge to click away, refresh your Twitter timeline, email inbox and blog page? Did you feel all these things nagging at you all the time those e-v-e-r s-o s-l-o-w seconds were ticking away.

My reaction surprised me; how easily I became distracted and how hard I found it to just take two minutes time-out; doing nothing.

I now have this link on permanent standby for when I'm losing it with the kids. Well, it certainly beats locking myself into the downstairs loo.


natural parenting pre school education autism

I have never.....

On The Graham Norton Show last weekend (yes, my weekends are THAT exciting), there was some discussion about a show which one of his guests, Marcus Brigstocke, is hosting where celebs confess to things they have never done.

This caught my interest, especially as I have a BIG birthday looming this year, and I thought it was a good time to think of some things I have never done, and aim to rectify some, or all, of them during 2011. Now, of course it would be silly of me to list things like 'I have never landed on the moon' or 'I have never had legs like Elle McPherson' because, let's face it, those things are NEVER going to happen to me.

So, being very realistic, here is my 'I have never' list . I wonder how many I can convert to an 'I have' list before the year is out.

1. I have never watched 'It's A Wonderful Life' in full, despite owning a copy of it. I have also never seen 'Fatal Attraction', any of 'The Godfather' trilogy, 'Dr Zhivago', 'Schindler's List', or either of the 'Sex and the City' movies.
2. I have never read (among others) 'Little Women', 'The Catcher in the Rye', 'Huckleberry Finn', 'The Great Gatsby' or 'Frankenstein',
3. I have never been to New York, Budapest, Glasgow, Stockholm, Sligo or Wolverhampton (surely there's a chance I'll make it to one of these places in the next 12 months!).
4. I have never eaten a 'Fillet-o-Fish', a McFlurry, a king sized Mars Bar or a Hershey's Bar.
5. I have never seen an episode of 'Grey's Anatomy' or any of the CSI's.
6. I have never worn false eyelashes.
7. I have never been up for sunrise at a summer or winter solstice.
8. I have never done a parachute jump or a skydive (not sure I want to do either actually).
9. I have never had a book published (this is my year, this is my year, this is my year.....)
10. I have never made soda bread or pizza dough (hangs head in domestic shame).
11. I have never worn Chanel No. 5.
12. I have never been arrested (and am perfectly happy to leave it that way).
13. I have never drunk a vodka martini - shaken, or stirred.
14. I have never been in a limo.

So, that's the list so far, although I already get the feeling that I'll want to keep adding to it in a 'My Name is Earl' kinda way.

So, what have you never done and is 2011 the year to do it?


pre school education autism pedophile

What happened when I went back to the 1930s

Well, isn't this all rather jolly. Some very lovely people at Proctor and Gamble (you know, P&G, the people who make fabulous things like Fairy, Pampers, Gillette and Olay) have sent me off to the 1930s. P&G have undertaken lots of research to explore the 'Changing Face of Motherhood' over the last 80 years. I often wish I could change my face. Sigh.

Anyhoo, it's all quite nice here actually: plenty of polite men talking on the radio box and pleasing tunes to listen to. Apparently though, they want me to live as a 1930s housewife for the day and do some authentic, 1930's housework. I am slightly puzzled. "Housework? What is that?", I asked.

They laughed and gave me some carbolic soap, cold cream cleanser, rouge, loose powder, coal tar soap, a washboard, vinegar, lemons, a mop and bucket and a delightfully fetching headscarf and told me to get on with it. What? No washing machine? No dishwasher? No cleaning lady? Goodness me. I almost had a nose bleed at the mere thought of it all.

Anyway, this ladies and gentlemen, is what happened next. Be warned, this video contains scenes of graphic domestic failure. Some footage of attempts to apply 'elbow grease' are also quite frightening.

Hot Cross Mum - Life Before P&G Challenge from Fleishman-Hillard Dublin on Vimeo.

So, that's what life is like in the 1930's. Jolly good and tickety boo, I say. Recent research by P&G indicates that modern mothers have just 26 minutes a day to themselves. I honestly don't know what these modern ladies are all complaining about with their dishwashers and tumble dryers to do their housework for them. It's no wonder they spend the day half-inebriated, they have nothing else to do with their time.

Oh, and some other mums have been time travelling with P&G too. Check out Edith Bowman above! Yes, actual celebrity ladies were forced to scrub their husband's smalls with carbolic soap. Oh the shame!

Some other spiffing bloggers have also been undertaking the challenge. Check out Mid Thirties Life, Emily at Babyrambles and Being a Mummy who even made herself an authentic, 1930's apron for the task! Horrah!

Now, I must dash off and re-apply my lipstick before my husband returns from the office or he will surely consider me a wretched woman and run off with Mrs Charmichael down the road.


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Holly Robinson Peete and Amy Yasbeck talk about extended breastfeeding


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breastfeeding and race: Why we need more diversity among lactation consultants


autism pedophile divorce

Did you experience postpartum emotional complications? Participate in a study.


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

10:26 am: Industrious


autism pedophile divorce

Feeding ducks with Cormac

No, no. Come away from the edge. Stop. Stop doing that. Why are you doing that? Little pieces of bread. Little pieces. LITTLE PIECES. Cormac, stop! Give back the packet of bread. Cormac. Little pieces. Sit down. Come away from the edge or you will fall in. For fucksake. Let’s go. Right, we’re going.


autism pedophile divorce

Sunday Surf: Less-medicated birth, public feeding, & adventurous living


autism pedophile divorce

North Carolina to Allow Non-Lawyers to Buy Interest in Firms? (Lousy Idea)

There is a bill pending in North Carolina that would allow non-lawyers to buy interests in law firms, up to 49% of the total. This violates the age old prohibition on sharing legal fees with non-lawyers, and is one hell of a lousy idea. First, read the short piece by Dan Fisher @ Forbes on [...]


autism pedophile divorce

How to Travel Long Distances with Little Ones (and not go insane)

I thought I’d republish this post, first published on February 12, 2010, since many of you might be traveling in the next month or so for spring break. Hope your Project: Simplify hot spot is going well this week! Several of you have asked me for advice on traveling internationally with small children – not [...]


How to Travel Long Distances with Little Ones (and not go insane) is a post from Simple Mom

© 2011 Simple Living Media, LLC | All rights reserved - This feed is provided for the convenience of Simple Mom subscribers. Any reproduction of the content within this feed is strictly prohibited. If you are reading this content elsewhere, please contact to let us know. Thanks.


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No Tiger Mothers here; just pride

The five year old recently started dance lessons. He likes to 'bust a move' at home every now and again and we'd talked about starting dance lessons for a while. He'd always preferred to carry on with his football, but after watching the Diversity show on TV over Christmas, he seemed to find a new found respect for those talented young chaps and spent the next week going around with his baseball cap on backwards.

We have been to the class twice now. Twenty minutes into the first class he turned to me and gave me the biggest grin and a thumbs up. He couldn't wait to go again.

Last week was the second class and there was a much smaller group: only himself and three girls. He got stuck into the routine straight away - so far, so good. Then the teacher asked each child to do the routine on their own while the others watched. Gulp! My heart was in my mouth as he walked into the middle of the dance floor; wondering whether he would do it or get stage fright or just feel uncomfortable in front of the girls.

Not a bit of it! To my absolute delight, he stood there and danced his little socks off.

I was SO proud of him. What a long, long way we had come from a year ago when he started football lessons and spent the entire time clinging to my legs.

There has been a lot of coverage recently about Chinese Parenting and Tiger Mothers, following the article by Amy Chau in the Wall Street Journal. Anyone who knows me will confirm that I am definitely not a Tiger Mother (more like a tiger cub, if truth be known) and would be the last to push my children into anything they clearly didn't want to do. That said, if ever there was a case for encouraging your children to explore different experiences and sticking with something, even if it is tough at first, then seeing my little guy busting his moves last Monday is it.

He'll probably go off dancing completely by this time next year, but I'll wear my 'Mummy' badge with pride for as long as it lasts.


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tuneful Tuesday


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Parenting site for parents who care about global culture

InCultureParent is an online magazine for parents raising little global citizens. Centered on global parent culture and traditions, we feature articles on parenting around the world and raising multicultural and multilingual (also bicultural and bilingual) children. We spotlight two global holidays and traditions per month together with craft ideas for kids and recipes. We also [...]


divorce breastfeeding interior design

The Sunday Chill Out - Easy


pre school education autism pedophile

The Joys of Breastfeeding Past Infancy #32

Today I am happy to host a guest post by Kimra. Kimra is a fashion student, work at home mama, and active humanitarian. She spends her free time having fun with her son, Oliver and husband, Seth. Kimra enjoys sewing, blogging at Humanitarian Opp, gardening, music, and art. She loves breastfeeding her toddler because it [...]

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, The Joys of Breastfeeding Past Infancy #32. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!


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Babies that Fly!


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Should Residents and Students Be Sued in Medical Malpractice Cases?

Dr. Kevin Pho is probably the medical blogosphere’s leading blogger, and he puts up an interesting commentary entitled Medical Students Should Not Be Liable for Malpractice. Why? Because they are, for the most part, being supervised by others who are completely responsible for what they do. He writes due to a bill in Arizona on [...]


autism pedophile divorce

Breaking News: Boy and Pet Dinosaur Responsible for Inky Boston Crash

A boy and his dinosaur are nothing but trouble.
Watch out world, Kieran is on a rampage.

I turn my back for a second, and I come back to news that Kieran has taken his mass destruction act on the road.

Terror in a paint smock!

So unremorseful.

I’m sorry, Boston.
Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code [...]

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, Breaking News: Boy and Pet Dinosaur Responsible for Inky Boston Crash. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Masculinity and the fear of losing it

Cormac is twenty-two months old. I love seeing Cormac cuddle his doll. Ditto, on walking into the kitchen to see his father and he sitting on the floor together because he has asked his father to paint his toenails. Bill, who has little in the way of a feminine side and who has never worn [...]


pre school education autism pedophile

Friday, March 25, 2011

Three Conversations


interior design natural parenting pre school education

9:43 am: Not exactly the relaxing morning I'd hoped for


autism pedophile divorce

8:50 am: Gotta work on this!


natural parenting pre school education autism

Ask me anything


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

The Great Indoors

It was 6pm on a wild, wet and windy evening. Two small boys bravely battled their way up the steep incline (stairs) to their selected campsite (the attic) with only a few carefully selected teddies and a Winnie-the-Pooh and a cow torch to light their way.

Up ahead (in the attic) their mother (me) struggled to get their small, tent (normally used on the beach to prevent UVA light) to stay upright. The ground was too solid (wooden and indoors) to hammer in the pegs, so she frantically searched the immediate vicinity (the rest of the attic) for alternative means to secure the guide ropes. Finally, she located four securing devices (a rocking horse, a shelving unit, a chair and an amp) and the campsite (tent in attic) was ready for its intrepid adventurers.

The boys snuggled down onto their make-shift beds (pillows) and eagerly tucked into their supplies of cheese and ham sandwiches (and some grapes which were not eaten). Slightly weakened by their exhertions in climbing (the stairs) to their camp (attic), they were delighted to find a (left over from Christmas dinner) After Eight mint at the bottom of their tuck box (small plastic bowl).

As the wind continued to howl and the rain lashed the night sky (attic windows), they listened to stories of another brave adventurer (a 'Where's Wally' book from Santa) and studied his ancient texts, trying to locate him among confusing scenes of terrible battles and shipwrecks.

Showing signs of being ready for sleep (it was 8pm), their mother kissed the small boys goodnight and retreated to base camp (the sofa). But the boys were restless and the bigger boy trekked back down the steep incline (stairs) several times to inform base camp that the smallest boy wouldn't stop talking and was stopping him from getting to sleep.

After several return journeys to and from the higher camp (the attic) the mother suggested that the smallest boy might be better off in his own bed. He thought this was a great idea; as did the bigger boy who grabbed his teddies and ran gleefully into the comfort of his own bed.

It was 9pm. Camping had lasted for three entire hours, which - everyone agreed - was quite enough adventure for one night.

Who needs the Great Outdoors when the Great Indoors has so much excitement to offer?

If you liked this post, you might also like this post, in which the kitchen became a fancy French restaurant for a night (or something like that).


pre school education autism pedophile

7:57 am (WW): How I make my coffee sing


interior design natural parenting pre school education

Enjoy World Book Day with Priddy Books

To celebrate World Book Day (today), I have been reviewing some excellent children's books on the blog this week. I'm also running a competition to give away a copy of two of the books - check it out; winners will be announced tomorrow (Friday).

For my final book-ish post, I would like to highlight the very excellent Priddy Books who, as well as celebrating World Book Day are also celebrating their 10th birthday this Spring.

I'm sure many of you have one of Priddy Book's excellent titles among the bookshelves at home - from their Touch and Feel books for very young readers to their fantastic sticker books and activity books to first reference books, there really is something for everyone.

We were very lucky to be sent the set of sticker and colouring books pictured below. These are small, A5 size, very slim books which fit easily into a bag and will keep your children occupied anywhere you need them to be occupied! The themes of the books in this set include: Trucks, Baby Animals and The World. A sticker book each kept my two boys occupied for the entire flight from Dublin to Leeds. I was thanking Priddy Books several times as I drank my much needed cup of coffee in peace!
Whether you have come across Priddy Books already, or are looking for great ideas for encouraging your children to read, and interact with books, there can be few websites better worth exploring.

And if you ever needed an idea for an easter gift, which wasn't chocolate.......



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