Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goats and mommies: More alike than you think

I love the conversations I'm having these days. Honestly, nothing tops them.

"Mommy," Hawk asks, "why is there a goat on my yogurt?"

"Because I like goats' milk yogurt better than cows' milk."

"Cows make milk, too!"

"Yes, all mammal mommies make milk for their babies: bears, tigers, horses, beavers..."  I wondered if I'd lost him with the whole "mammal mommy" thing, so I added, "Mammals are animals who give birth to their babies through their vaginas then feed their babies at their breast" (I may have done a weird squat and baby-catching hand gesture as I said this).

Elated that he knew what I was saying Hawk interjects, "And you made milk in your boobs, too!!"

"Yes, I did! But it doesn't last forever; just so long as the baby needs it."

"But you still have boobs, right??"

I glance down at my chest, "It sure looks like I do!" and he giggles as he scoops another spoonful of wildflower honey yogurt in his mouth.


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Friday Song - Step Back From The Daily Mail


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4:01 pm: Sigh

I just noticed that the notebook pages I'm using to study for my test -- which will ultimately help me to support myself and Hawk on my own -- are just past the notes Rooster took in our birth classes.


pre school education autism pedophile

Rakofsky Case: Reuters Moves To Dismiss

Reuters has moved to dismiss the case that Joseph Rakofsky recently brought against 81 defendants �for defamation. I am one of the defendants, and you can read the background on the case and my response here. Since I am also now local counsel to 35 of the defendants, I’ve elected to refrain from further commentary, [...]


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

How to keep others sensitive to a baby with chemical sensitivities?


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Wrong Site Surgery Continues To Be a Problem

You would think that easy mistakes, like surgery on the wrong part of the body or wrong patient, could be easily eliminated. Well it can. But it hasn’t. An article this week in Kaiser Health News highlights the continuing problem (Effort To End Surgeries On Wrong Patient Or Body Part Falters). Seven years after universal [...]


pre school education autism pedophile

My Erotic Rock Collection


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Baby Whisperer vs. Baby Smacker


autism pedophile divorce

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: One month


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

The ebook has landed - MY ebook!

So, I'm not sure whether to be completely delighted, or totally terrified but here, ladies and gentlemen, is the official announcement that my ebook 'Hot Cross Mum - Bitesize Slices of Motherhood' is OUT! (grabs coat, runs for the hills and waits with baited breath).

This is the result of a two year journey of blood, sweat and lots of tears (and the, ahem, occasional G&T!). Regular readers will know that I'm a self-confessed, frustrated, 'published-author-in-waiting' so, yes, I'm very proud to have brought my little corner of cyberspace kicking and screaming into the world of ebooks. Hell, I didn't even know what an ebook was two years ago. Let alone a blog!

Some very lovely and incredibly talented ladies have read the book and said some very lovely things about it including:

?Hazel is a brilliant writer and captures the essence of being thrust into motherhood headfirst. Her writing is hilarious and often cuts close to the bone. She'll have you chuckling at your computer screen for hours.? - Susanna Scott, Founder of British Mummy Bloggers and co-founder of CyberMummy Conferences

"A funny, relevant and wonderfully honest account of motherhood. I laughed out loud and nodded in recognition all the way through." - Sinead Moriarty, bestselling author of ?The Baby Trail? and ?Pieces of My Heart?

?Hazel Gaynor is a funnier version of your best laugh-out-loud, fabulous, friend - the one who can take a mundane or even miserable mom-moment and spin it into pure comedy gold. Her wickedly wonderful ?bitesize slices of motherhood? go down easier than the smoothest top-shelf tequila and satisfy on every level.? - Jenna McCarthy, bestselling author of ?The Parent Trip? and ?Cheers to the new mom!? / ?Cheers to the new Dad!?.

I didn't even have to bribe them to say these things. Honest!

I have no idea where this little adventure will lead, but it's always exciting when you set off on a journey isn't it? So, please feel free to click on the link, read the blurb, download the sample, tell your friends - buy the flippin' thing if you feel the desire to do so (my English reserve prevents me from saying anything more on that matter)!

I've written a little bit of background below to explain the reason for the ebook. Please read on if you feel compelled.

Thank you. Very much.

The background

I started ?Hot Cross Mum? in March 2009 as a platform for developing a writing career after I was made redundant and decided to become a Stay At Home Mum. I started blogging just at the point when the ?mummy blogging? community was exploding in the UK and Ireland and I quickly became part of an influential community of blogging parents. I loved it! The phenomena of blogging and my part in that attracted the interest of Irish press and TV and after being interviewed for ?The Sunday Times Magazine? in January 2010 about the transition from corporate to domestic life, the blog was noticed by a literary agent. She enquired whether I?d considered developing a book based on the blog. I hadn?t, but I started to work on it the very next day!

When it was submitted, the book received praise from publishers in Ireland and the UK and was very nearly commissioned for publication by a UK publisher; but unfortunately didn?t make the final hurdle. Having got so close, I was obviously very disappointed, but dusted myself off and continued to write the blog for my personal pleasure and turned my hand to fiction writing and my freelance career.

That book has sat on my PC ever since; nagging at me! As ebooks became more and more popular, I started to think about putting ?Hot Cross Mum: bitesize slices of motherhood? out in an ebook format. A friend of mine, Catherine Howard, was starting to see phenomenal success with her ebook ?MouseTrapped? and encouraged me to go for it!

It?s probably important to point out that rather than being just a straightforward copy of the blog, the ebook charts the first twelve months of my journey from leaving my corporate career and adjusting to life at home with the children. Obviously, some of my published blog posts are used (it is, after all, those posts which brought readers to my blog in the first place) but I have also added new material and brought it all together into a much more meaningful package with a beginning, middle and hopefully a happy ending! So there?s something in the ebook for existing readers of ?Hot Cross Mum?, as well as for people who have never seen the blog and discover the ebook first.


divorce breastfeeding interior design

No More Nappies - Bedwetting campaign

Bedwetting isn't a problem I have had to face in bringing up my two boys. We have either been remarkably fortunate, or did something right (finally, yippee), because they both moved out of nappies with only a handful of accidents and have never used pull-ups night.

While I have struggled with my 'Big Issue' of a fussy eater, enviously watching my friends' kids tucking into plateful after plateful of anything, they have envied my ability to not have to change soaked sheets through the night and every morning, because their big issue is bedwetting.

Bedwetting is a problem which affects an estimated 46,000 Irish children over the age of five - a statistic which will no doubt be surprising to many, but a relief to those parents who think this is only happening to their child.

A new survey conducted on behalf of among parents of children aged five and over has revealed that many children who wet the bed have low self-esteem as a direct result and won't have sleepovers at a friend's house, or have friends to stay in their own house because of the issue. If my child is anything to go by, sleepovers are a big deal when you're five, a kind of 'rite-of-passage' - which puts just one part of this problem into some sort of context.

Like any part of child-rearing which becomes 'an issue', bedwetting can also place a huge strain on the parents, affecting sleep patterns and work life. Most parents affected by bedwetting however are not aware that it is a treatable medical condition, with 58% of those surveyed commenting that nappies were the main source of treatment for their child.

The results of the survey were launched recently as part of the ?No More Nappies? campaign by with the support of Clinical Psychologist, David Coleman, who spoke at the launch. ?If left untreated, bedwetting can be a distressing condition for your child. Putting them in nappies, or pull-ups, and hoping that the problem will disappear is not the best way to address the issue and could lead to your child suffering from low self-esteem as a result. Lifestyle choices such as ensuring your child goes to the toilet before bed and reducing acidic or caffeine drinks before bedtime may help considerably. It can also really help to talk to your GP because there are medical treatments that you can consider too."

Specialised website features a range of information on bedwetting including a detailed questionnaire for parents to fill in and bring to their GP in order to help determine whether their child needs further treatment. The new and improved site also hosts a ?Dry Nights Diary? in order for parents to keep a close eye on any patterns that may be emerging.

For further information on bedwetting, speak to your GP or visit

This is a sponsored post on behalf of


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My Erotic Rock Collection


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'cos we are living, in a digital world....

...and I am not a digital girl!

I'm back on the Technological Progression bandwagon I'm afraid. More kicking and screaming and going rigid and refusing to be strapped into the car seat of digital technology.

I am, this time, fretting about a picture I saw in my local newspaper which showed a class of Junior Infants (that's five-year-olds), proudly writing their letters on their brand new iPads. I saw the picture and didn't think, "Wow, that's amazing. How forward-thinking." I thought, "Oh my god, that's awful." It was as jarring as looking at a picture of a three-year-old beauty pageant. "Whatever happened to the good old days of copy books and a pencil?" I remonstrated to my husband (as I pulled down the blackout blinds, darned my socks and listened to Gracie Fields on the radio).

I know I sound massively old-fashioned and I probably know that it is inevitable that our children will be taught interactively. I also know that it's good for the trees, but I am still more than a bit uncomfortable at the thought of my children having their first school experience, and learning how to write and read (and draw quite probably) on an iPad. Can't we hold off until they're a bit older? Like, eighteen?

As a family who have held off on the Wii and the DS (and our children are under the age of six so I don?t think that?s a particularly radical decision), I just feel afraid that our children will know nothing other than to stare at a screen for every aspect of their life. They will read ebooks, play interactive sports on the TV, Skype their nana, waste countless years of their lives with some Angry Birds. Maybe I was naively hoping that school would be the final, digital frontier.

Looks like I was wrong.

What do you think? Are iPads in the classroom an excellent idea or just an unavoidable sign of the times you'd rather live without?


autism pedophile divorce

New York Times: "The Breast Milk Cure"


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1:40 pm (WW): Cat-skin rug


divorce breastfeeding interior design

The Life Cycle of a Blog

Blogs are strange things. As a veteran blogger of two whole years, I've seen lots of new bloggers enter the blogosphere, while others lose their interest in, reason for, or time for blogging and, sadly, disappear.

Quite often I have said, "That's it - I'm leaving it there." Like 'Fawlty Towers' and 'The Office' I plan to leave on a high point and before everyone tires of my mutterings and musings. And then, something happens - one of the children will do or say something, or we find ourselves in a bizarre situation, or I read something which pushes my buttons and I turn to my blog to share my thoughts with anyone who's listening.

So, I've come to the conclusion that, just like everything else in life, blogs have a life cycle. And this is it:

Blogspawn - a new blog is born. It is full of energy and multiplying cells and cannot do anything but grow and develop. It feels a little restricted though, swishing about under the surface and not quite knowing how to get out there into the pond. It is easily intimidated by the fully grown Blogs and can't ever imagine being that big.

Blogpole - finally free from its initial Blogspawn confines, the Blogpole starts to move around; expanding its world by having a look around the pond and seeing what else is out there. Blogpoles are a little braver than Blogspawn and start making friends with other Blogpoles. They go off and search the pond together and feel much braver. They also have loads of energy and enthusiasm and are delighted with their new found freedom.

Bloglet - Now the Bloglet has legs and can really get out and about to see what's going on out there in the pond. With their new limbs, Bloglets go rushing around; they never seem to stop - dropping in here, there and everywhere. Bloglets are full of great ideas and join in with all the activities in the pond. Blogs, Blogpoles and Blogspawn are a bit in awe of them and their unfaltering enthusiasm.

Blog - Finally, the fully formed, Blog emerges. It is big, bold and confident and can hop around the pond at will - or may even leave the pond entirely for periods of time. Blogs enjoy being part of the pond, but also enjoy lazing around on lily pads, thinking of something original and interesting to say. They feel exhausted just looking at the Blogpoles and Bloglets zipping about. Blogs sometimes like to find a nice bit of mud to go and hide in for a long time - they might tell you they are going, or they might just go. Some Blogs even say that they are going away for good. But they usually come hopping back to the pond at some point; back to where they started out as that small bit of Blogspawn many moons ago.

Big, fat Blog, or Blogspawn - what stage of the Blogging Life Cycle are you at?


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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Erotic Rock Collection


autism pedophile divorce

Nursing into Toddlerhood ? The Most Natural Thing in the World

Today I am happy to host a guest post by Kitty. Kitty is a recovering CPA who recently returned to work running Her children are now 16 and 13 years old, but they spent their first few years firmly attached to Mom, sharing the family bed, and playing barefoot in the mud! Here is her breastfeeding guest post, number 35 in our ?Joys of Breastfeeding Past Infancy? series.

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, Nursing into Toddlerhood – The Most Natural Thing in the World. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Laughing all the way to the Breastmilk Bank


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Influenced Vegetable Stew

Influenced by whom you wonder? Mollie Katzen again. While everyone else I know is loving up and “Tackling Mark Bittman” (blog hop anyone?), I remain in a state of Bittman ignorance and find kinship with my old pal Mollie instead. I had no idea what to make tonight. All I knew is that I wanted [...]

Related posts:
  1. Foodie Fridays: Vegetable Pie with Grated Potato Crust
  2. Foodie Friday: Greek Red Lentil Soup
  3. Vegetarian Foodie Fridays: Chickpea Potato Stew


interior design natural parenting pre school education

My Experience of Being Married To a Partner Who Isn?t Always Sure That Attachment Parenting Is Best

I found this post in the draft section of my blog. It was originally written one year ago, and I have finally decided to publish it. My husband has been supportive of natural parenting, but I do get the sense that if he had married and had kids with someone else he wouldn’t be adamant [...]

Related posts:
  1. Monday Musings: Becoming An Attachment Parent
  2. Self-Attachment: Smart Babies Want to Breastfeed
  3. What Is Natural Parenting? Embracing Real Food


pre school education autism pedophile

Babies that Fly!


divorce breastfeeding interior design

7:57 am (WW): How I make my coffee sing


natural parenting pre school education autism

Lego Games Ramses Return - a Netmums Review

As part of a SWAT team of bloggers pushing reviews to the limit for Netmums, I have been asked to put new Lego Game 'Ramses Return' to the test. This is the kind of challenge we like at Hot Cross Towers, in fact, you only need to mention the word 'Lego' in our house and mass excitement is unleashed. So when a package arrived, addressed to me, and the box for the Ramses Return game fell out, all hell broke loose.

Reeling in shock from the disappointment that I hadn't just opened another early birthday present for myself, I barely noticed my 3 and a half year old running around say, "Oh yes, oh yes, it's Ramses Return." Given the fact that I hadn't even said what it was, this can only mean that he is watching far too much TV (note to self). Anyway, we opened the box, followed the instructions and got on with the game.

The boys both really loved building the game first - this is done in the same way all Lego toys come, with the page by page instruction booklet. Although the game is aimed for ages 7+ my 3 and 5 yr old had it put together with only a bit of assistance needed from me (I would have liked to assist more, but they wouldn't let me, so I had a little sulk from the corner of the room).

The object of the game is to move your Adventurer (a teeny Lego person) around the Lego board, picking up crystals and golden treasure. There is also a Mummy who any player can move , who can 'curse' other players and send them back to the start. It reminded me a little bit of a game I played as a child called 'Sorry' and is also a bit like PacMan in some respects - but obviously with Lego and not a computer game (so maybe not really like PacMan at all). A great feature of the Lego Games is that they come with online demo videos - like this one.

Anyway, we definitely give this the thumbs up, not only because it is Lego which means there is a construction element to it, as well as the actual game, but because it is a fun little game which the boys have gone back to play several times since we opened the box. The Lego games encourage you to change the rules and use the pieces in different ways - I like that idea too. Oh, and the game comes with a nifty little 'pick axe' type tool which levers tricky bits of Lego off the dice, and of course, can be used with all Lego so this, we love.

All in all, a thumbs up from us. My only 'caution' would be that the game, and all the parts, are much smaller than they look on the box or website, so if you don't yet have Lego in the house and have small children crawling around who are liable to put things into their mouth, this may give you untold amounts of stress!

There are lots of Lego Games in the range for ages 5 and upwards, and I am sure we will be looking out for these as well. Full details are on the Lego Games website.


pre school education autism pedophile

Monday, June 27, 2011

Share your birth and breastfeeding experience with The Birth Survey (and get recommendations if you're pregnant)


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My 2 Year Blogversary - Thank you and Goodbye


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So Fuckin' Lucky Week


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The Great Sugar Detox: C?mon, You Know You Need It!

Note from Tsh: I’m so excited to share this guest post from Lisa, Simple Mom’s health contributor. I consider Lisa my go-to health consultant, and I personally have benefited so much from what she’s taught me. And she is right on the money with today’s insanely important topic. Written by health contributor Lisa Byrne of [...]


The Great Sugar Detox: C’mon, You Know You Need It! is a post from Simple Mom

� 2008-2011 Simple Living Media, LLC | All rights reserved - This feed is provided for the convenience of Simple Mom subscribers. Any reproduction of the content within this feed is strictly prohibited. If you are reading this content elsewhere, please contact to let us know. Thanks.


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This is how I "eat" solid foods.


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My heart! My heart! Ouch! My heart!


natural parenting pre school education autism

Creating Adventure

This post was written for the June Families, Create! blog carnival. This month our theme is Adventure. Be sure to check out our full list of upcoming themes. July will be Swashbucklers! Kieran’s Tia Tammy and Tio Darin (my sister and our friend) visited this weekend, and we decided to...

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, Creating Adventure. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Music Monday - They Stood Up for Love


divorce breastfeeding interior design

How to make a necklace (according to Mikko)


breastfeeding interior design natural parenting

Rules for Blogging


natural parenting pre school education autism

The ebook has landed - MY ebook!

So, I'm not sure whether to be completely delighted, or totally terrified but here, ladies and gentlemen, is the official announcement that my ebook 'Hot Cross Mum - Bitesize Slices of Motherhood' is OUT! (grabs coat, runs for the hills and waits with baited breath).

This is the result of a two year journey of blood, sweat and lots of tears (and the, ahem, occasional G&T!). Regular readers will know that I'm a self-confessed, frustrated, 'published-author-in-waiting' so, yes, I'm very proud to have brought my little corner of cyberspace kicking and screaming into the world of ebooks. Hell, I didn't even know what an ebook was two years ago. Let alone a blog!

Some very lovely and incredibly talented ladies have read the book and said some very lovely things about it including:

?Hazel is a brilliant writer and captures the essence of being thrust into motherhood headfirst. Her writing is hilarious and often cuts close to the bone. She'll have you chuckling at your computer screen for hours.? - Susanna Scott, Founder of British Mummy Bloggers and co-founder of CyberMummy Conferences

"A funny, relevant and wonderfully honest account of motherhood. I laughed out loud and nodded in recognition all the way through." - Sinead Moriarty, bestselling author of ?The Baby Trail? and ?Pieces of My Heart?

?Hazel Gaynor is a funnier version of your best laugh-out-loud, fabulous, friend - the one who can take a mundane or even miserable mom-moment and spin it into pure comedy gold. Her wickedly wonderful ?bitesize slices of motherhood? go down easier than the smoothest top-shelf tequila and satisfy on every level.? - Jenna McCarthy, bestselling author of ?The Parent Trip? and ?Cheers to the new mom!? / ?Cheers to the new Dad!?.

I didn't even have to bribe them to say these things. Honest!

I have no idea where this little adventure will lead, but it's always exciting when you set off on a journey isn't it? So, please feel free to click on the link, read the blurb, download the sample, tell your friends - buy the flippin' thing if you feel the desire to do so (my English reserve prevents me from saying anything more on that matter)!

I've written a little bit of background below to explain the reason for the ebook. Please read on if you feel compelled.

Thank you. Very much.

The background

I started ?Hot Cross Mum? in March 2009 as a platform for developing a writing career after I was made redundant and decided to become a Stay At Home Mum. I started blogging just at the point when the ?mummy blogging? community was exploding in the UK and Ireland and I quickly became part of an influential community of blogging parents. I loved it! The phenomena of blogging and my part in that attracted the interest of Irish press and TV and after being interviewed for ?The Sunday Times Magazine? in January 2010 about the transition from corporate to domestic life, the blog was noticed by a literary agent. She enquired whether I?d considered developing a book based on the blog. I hadn?t, but I started to work on it the very next day!

When it was submitted, the book received praise from publishers in Ireland and the UK and was very nearly commissioned for publication by a UK publisher; but unfortunately didn?t make the final hurdle. Having got so close, I was obviously very disappointed, but dusted myself off and continued to write the blog for my personal pleasure and turned my hand to fiction writing and my freelance career.

That book has sat on my PC ever since; nagging at me! As ebooks became more and more popular, I started to think about putting ?Hot Cross Mum: bitesize slices of motherhood? out in an ebook format. A friend of mine, Catherine Howard, was starting to see phenomenal success with her ebook ?MouseTrapped? and encouraged me to go for it!

It?s probably important to point out that rather than being just a straightforward copy of the blog, the ebook charts the first twelve months of my journey from leaving my corporate career and adjusting to life at home with the children. Obviously, some of my published blog posts are used (it is, after all, those posts which brought readers to my blog in the first place) but I have also added new material and brought it all together into a much more meaningful package with a beginning, middle and hopefully a happy ending! So there?s something in the ebook for existing readers of ?Hot Cross Mum?, as well as for people who have never seen the blog and discover the ebook first.


pre school education autism pedophile

Is Mother's Day important?

It's kind of difficult to ignore the fact that Mother's Day is looming. The shops and online stores are festooned with ideas for Mothers Day Presents and I can't find any straightforward birthday cards for four and five-year-olds; they've all been removed to make way for the millions of Mother's Day cards. And this, apart from giving me a birthday card induced headache, has me thinking about the relevance and importance of Mother's Day.

Of course the day has proper historical foundations from the ancient Greeks and in more recent times was linked to the fourth Sunday of Lent, but as far as modern day 'Mother's Day', has it just become another commercial 'Hallmark' day, or does it actually still mean something?

Mother's Day is an odd occasion for me: having lost my own mum in my early twenties I can't participate in the day as a daughter; but since having my own children, I obviously can now participate as a mother. But I'm still not entirely sure I'm all that bothered.

Of course, it's lovely to get a little home-made card with a picture of yourself on the front which makes you look like a banshee, and a cup of tea in bed never goes amiss, but apart from that I can honestly say I don't expect - or need - any more fuss to be made of me. Perhaps I'm missing a trick. Perhaps I'm missing the point? I really don't know.

Maybe when I'm old and grey (or should that be older and greyer), I'll be more insistent that my errant sons buck their ideas up and at least phone me on Mother's Day, even if the flowers and expensive lunch never materialise. But for now, the cup of tea in bed and an extra special cuddle will do quite nicely.

What about you? Do you have high hopes for the day? Do you make a big fuss of your own mother and do you expect/hope to be showered with gifts and attention yourself, or does it not really bother you?

Answers on an over-sized, pink, floral infested greetings card please.


pedophile divorce breastfeeding

Gender stereotyping, sexuality, and toddlers: Bring on the lipgloss

 Has Hawk's exposure to other children bent him towards more "traditional" boy colors? 

There's something I've never really come out and said on this blog, though I've alluded to it in other places around the Internet: I'm bisexual.

As a young woman away from home this manifested in a proper girlfriend for a few months and later morphed into something less romantic and more sexually driven.  I've never had a relationship with a woman since.  I prefer relationships with men but am still attracted to women and enjoy their company when compelled.  If you can imagine that sexuality spectrum then I'm somewhere left of center closer to what would look like straight to you.

All my family and friends know, but I keep it close to my chest in most cases.  Every time I tell someone I'm "coming out."  It's a never-ending process and always causes me some nervousness.  The word "bi" seems trite and fickle, when it's neither.  I just don't have a better word for it.  Rooster knows how I'm oriented and never bat an eye about it; friends all knew long before I did and my family pretty much pretends I never told them (why wouldn't they?  if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, blah blah blah).

I'm sharing this now because Hawk is a boy -- genetically speaking, and I have raised him as such -- but I am extremely careful about the words I say when it comes to attraction and love.  I avoid asking him if he has any "girlfriends" at school, instead I ask him if he likes any boys or girls.  I encourage him to show loving affection to anyone who seems amenable to it, regardless of whether or not the recipient is a wee boy or girl.  And I make sure he sees me as openly affectionate to the world as I want to be.

I've trained my family and friends to do the same.  I'm the one who always adds, "... or boys!" to the  question of "Are there any cute girls at school??"  I'm pretty sure my family and in-laws think I'm nuts and overzealous about all of this, but too bad.

But my goal here is to normalize the spectrum of feelings he's beginning to develop; the bonds he's making with other children both boys and girls.  I remember quite vividly being attracted to boys when I was three because that's all I knew, but by the time I was six I had intense infatuations, lo, crushes, on other girls that I couldn't make any sense of.  If anyone had ever said to me, "Hi, Jessie!  So are there any boys or girls you have a crush on at school?" it would have revolutionized my childhood and I might have skipped over years of self-loathing and fear of my sexual proclivities.  Or maybe not, it's hard to tell, but it couldn't have hurt.

I don't want to take for granted what I imagine for my son.  I have no freaking clue where he's going to land on that sexual spectrum.  He could be as queer as a three-dollar bill or be straighter than a friggin' arrow, but I damn sure don't want to be the cause of fear and loathing in his own private Vegas.  Sexuality is confusing enough without any outside pressure to be someone or do something that doesn't come naturally.

At school he has two best friends.  A little girl named Fleur who plasters herself all over him on a daily basis, towering over him by an inch and toppling him with her vigor; and Keenan, a sprite of a boy with strawberry blond hair and bright blue eyes.  The two boys are particularly drawn to one another, seeming to share some unspoken thing between them, but Fleur isn't discouraged in the least and the three of them are usually found napping or eating lunch together like a pile of puppies.

Hawk's little heart is so open and pure to friendship no matter who it is right now.  When else are we ever this blank? this accepting?  I'd venture to say never again as we grow up and learn to judge others and it's now that I want to impress upon him the range of love.

Ok, so I've got my non-straight vernacular down and my kid is hanging with boys and girls with equal fervor.  What's next?

Well, quite honestly, it's onto tackling gender stereotypes.

I've written before about pink shoes and gender-neutral nurseries and how I've avoided shirts with footballs on them and things that hype up masculinity.  I buy more expensive Gap clothing for the sheer fact that I can get pink shirts there or Easter-colored plaid shorts (at least they used to have 'em).

And now that Hawk is more engaged with me as a little person he wants to do what I do, so that means every morning when I put on makeup, he "puts on makeup, too."  He paints his face with blush and smears his chin and lips with gloss and peers into the mirror exclaiming how pretty he is.  I encourage the exploration as enthusiastically as I would him mirroring his father's morning ablutions.  I mean, why not??  Allowing him to explore every facet of his life (which includes mine) will help him better define himself later on down the road when decision making is paramount.

All gussied up.

 Since starting school Hawk is exposed to so much more than just my bathoom.  The children at his school do all sorts of "traditional" play while continuing to mix it up and bend gender biases.  Boys shoot each other with sticks while wearing dresses and girls try to figure out the best way to scoop dirt with the dump trucks while braiding each other's hair.   It's all a hodge-podge, as well it should be.

All this to say, though, I am still unable to erase all gender-specificity from his life.  He is drawn to things with wheels and gadgets, rockets, lightsabers, guns, any kind of tractor or piece of heavy machinery.  The other day he shot an older couple at Wholefoods with a bunch of carrots, the spray of green fronds tucked under his armpit.  They chuckled and told me it was "a boy thing."  I had to agree since every little girl I know would have been rocking that bunch of carrots and combing the greens instead.

I also admit to not buying him clothing from the girls' section.  I avoid scalloped trim and puffy sleeves, skirts and dresses.  I'll buy him the pinkest pink shirt but it will be an androgynous cut.  I hope it's enough to let him identify with being a boy without too much pressure to stay in that particular box.  If he ever wants to wear a dress to school I'll back him up the best I can and pray the kids don't eat him alive.  I'll explain to him what might happen and why and see where he takes it from there.

His bedroom is still pretty much just a kid's room, except for the tractor pillow cases he made with my mom.  I mean, I'm sure there's a girl out there obsessed with tractors, too, I just haven't met her yet.

Ok, Spiderman might be a hint there's a boy in residence, too.

And yet, just the other day, we were at my friend's house with her twin daughters and Hawk dove right into a spare princess dress and happily proclaimed he was a princess, too.

He fluffed his tutu.

Kids explore and they search and they play with everything that crosses their paths and this includes concepts as well as preconceived notions.  Just because we see a certain trajectory for them doesn't mean it's what they're going to choose.  I believe that keeping our words non-straight friendly and our minds open to imaginative play without gender discrimination we can teach a child to accept him or herself later on down the road.  And it also doesn't hurt to start to re-program our own ways of thinking about gender and sexual orientation.  Take it from one non-straight person, it's better to be flexible now rather than later.

How do you guys approach this whole thing??

Oh, and here's Hawk's new pair of Crocs:



interior design natural parenting pre school education

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Do You Believe in Luck?


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Things You Learn in London with a Toddler


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Influenced Vegetable Stew

Influenced by whom you wonder? Mollie Katzen again. While everyone else I know is loving up and “Tackling Mark Bittman” (blog hop anyone?), I remain in a state of Bittman ignorance and find kinship with my old pal Mollie instead. I had no idea what to make tonight. All I knew is that I wanted [...]

Related posts:
  1. Foodie Fridays: Vegetable Pie with Grated Potato Crust
  2. Foodie Friday: Greek Red Lentil Soup
  3. Vegetarian Foodie Fridays: Chickpea Potato Stew


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This shouldn't be easier

Fishbowl of life. This fish watched me my entire dinner.  So weird.

I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday and spent the weekend in an opiate haze I struggled against despite having spent the better part of my undergraduate college career looking for exactly that sensation.  Hawk was supposed to be back in my arms on Sunday, but there was too much pain and too little thought process to make that happen, so he went back to Rooster on Monday and I missed out on 3 wonderful, little-person-filled days with him.

So there I was, toothless, kidless, and jobless all last week -- friends called on me, the internet entertained me, I scoured the internet for jobs whenever I was sober enough to do so -- when I got involved in conversations about balance, life, motherhood, relationships, and self.  Luckily I was 100% sober by then.

I'm miserable, but I'm also extremely happy.  Rooster and I are very certain this is the right thing to do, and as we proceed with all the divorce minutiae I wonder why the price has to be so high for this feeling of individuation, freedom, and excitement.  The weeks I don't have Hawk I am Jessica: all me all the time and it always felt utterly out of reach when I was in a pair.

I come and go as I please; see whomever I choose for however long I like; wake up and go to bed as I see fit; eat ice cream for dinner and stay up till 3 watching Murder She Wrote.

It's not as if I didn't or couldn't do these things when I was living with Rooster, I just never gave myself permission.  Why does it seem like couples worker harder and get less relief with two adults in the house than single parents on their own?? 

I have a theory on this (of course).  Lauren of Hobo Mama happened to post an article yesterday that really spoke to me.  I've been harping on the isolation of a SAHM for a while (how a mother is isolated, has no sense of self in this economy, all the while being pitted against other mothers), so it's always a boon for me to see it in published form and embraced by the general public.  So that's what's going on for the mama in the pair.

But here's the thing.  I don't want women the world over to have to separate from their partners just to get some breathing room and to feel like a grown up.  There has to be a middle ground and clearly Rooster and I had no idea how to make that happen and neither do any of my friends.  It wasn't until I left the building that he was able to spread his parenting wings and really take over for me.  I get that marriage and relationships are hard, but are we making them harder than they have to be by simply not giving ourselves permission to leave the house if that's what we really need to do? 

Or maybe it was a product of my personality and relationship... I don't know... what I do know is y'all are working really fucking hard and now I feel like I'm cruising.  Sure, I'm crushed with fear and stress about my employment situation, but over all, I am free.  And Rooster is free, too.  He can go mountain biking whenever he wants, or go for long rides on his motorcycle with no fear of my reproach because I want him home due to exhaustion.

I guess it's all about permission.  Couples need to embrace the idea that their partner has varying needs and then take it a step further and give them permission to pursue satisfying them -- whatever they may be.  Some mothers might need a lot of socializing time outside of the home and her baby; another might need to earn money; a father might need to be able to sit in his underwear and watch the game uninterrupted for an entire weekend.

We have to give everyone permission to find relief or else.  Literally.  There is always an "or else."  Not necessarily divorce or separation, but damage is done, certainly.

All this from listening to and watching my fellow friends struggle under the [self-inflicted and socially adopted] oppressive demands of being a parent.  It's not just the mothers who are suffocating.  I know the fathers are, too.  I'm here to tell you, though, that by 3 years old it does get better.  The kids might be ready for a pre-school or other organized activities (if that's gonna be your route) and you can breathe lighter and spread your adult-wings.  And I'm also here to beg you to find someone to watch your child overnight so you and your partner can go out and just be John and Peg, or Sally and Sarah, or whomever.  Not Mommy, not Daddy, not a butt-wiping, life-saving, cooking, cleaning, thinking-five-steps-ahead-at-all-times, parent.  Just. YOU.

It's such a weird position to be in these days, an outside observer of the nuclear family.  I get the definite sense my partnered friends look at my life with envy -- and I do, too.  Of course they also look at me with pity, and -- quite frankly -- I do, too.  Guilty on both counts.  In any case, we all need to look more closely at our system and our relationships if what I'm doing feels better than what I had.  It shouldn't.  It just shouldn't.


autism pedophile divorce

Why we love midwives


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New podcast: Breastfeeding in Combat Boots


divorce breastfeeding interior design

To the woman unconvinced

TRIGGER WARNING: RAPE/SEXUAL ABUSE To “A woman who agrees with the man”: OK sure, believe that some women need to take responsibility for preventing their own rapes if you want to but keep four things in mind. One. You know the majority of rape isn’t actually your classic ‘stranger rape’ deal, right, so I’d ask [...]


autism pedophile divorce

Balloon Heaven

"OK, you can take the balloon outside but don't let go of the ribbon or it will fly away."

Why I thought these woulds would prevent the inevitable from happening, I do not know. Because, well, the inevitable happened.

The pink balloon went skywards.

Whether the balloon jumped or was pushed by the well-directed elbow of an older brother, we shall never know (although we have our suspicions). But up it went, into the clouds, and for a small, three-year-old-boy, this was a tragedy of epic proportions. "Waaaahhhhhh," he wailed, "Waaaahhhhhh, my balloooooooooooon."

I couldn't do much, other than offer a sympathetic shoulder to cry on and a packet of sweets from the emergency stash (oh, who am I kidding they come out at least four times a day). I did attempt to console him by fabricating a story about lost balloons finding their way to little boys and girls who don't have a balloon - but this only caused more distress as he pointed out, "Waaaaahhhhh, but I'm a little boy who doesn't have a balloon."

Fair point.

So I conclude that there must be, for times like this, a balloon heaven, where all the balloons which have been inadvertently let go by small hands hang out and lead a happier life. Maybe the burst ones go there too? Perhaps. I like to think so anyway.

R.I.P pink balloon, we will glance to the heavens and remember you always.


divorce breastfeeding interior design

Friday, June 24, 2011

Staying safe in the sun with Nivea Sun Kids

So, there I was at the weekend, frantically searching for sandals and shorts, sun hats and suncream. It was fabulous weather - the sound of lawn mowers and the smell of burning sausages filled the air. The sun had well and truly put his hat on and was out to play; and so were we. "It might be gone tomorrow," we all cried and spent every possible moment outside before the inevitable rainy summer comes along. Sorry, but you just know it will.

Having a child with the fairest of the fairest Irish complexions and matching red hair, I am probably more than justified in my frantic efforts to keep him covered up and protected from the sun. "Where's your hat?", "Drink plenty of water," "Sit in the shade for a while," "Come and get your cream on." That's the only thing the poor boys hear me saying when the sun shines.
Thankfully, he is now at an age where he will actually stand still long enough to let me put the sun cream on, so I no longer need to do the 'Suncream Dash' around the garden.

He also has slightly sensitive skin so the new Pure & Sensitive sun lotion and spray range from Nivea Sun Kids is perfect for him. It is 100% free from perfume, colourants and preservatives, and is especially developed for kids? sensitive skin. The formula is dermatologically approved and hypo-allergenic and has a SPF of 50+. It helps protect immediately against sunburn and long-term skin damage, and is also water resistant which will come in handy when the paddling pool is dusted off, cleared of spiders and inflated at the speed of snail.

So, although as I write, there are hailstones bouncing off the garden chairs and it is blowing a gale, I'll definitely be keeping my Nivea Sun Kids lotion somewhere handy so that the next time the sun puts his hat on (and he will, very soon, right?) we'll be right out there with him.

Nivea Sun Kids Pure and Sensitive is available exclusively at Boots. For more information visit


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