Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nursing into Toddlerhood ? The Most Natural Thing in the World

Today I am happy to host a guest post by Kitty. Kitty is a recovering CPA who recently returned to work running HeirloomWoodenToys.com. Her children are now 16 and 13 years old, but they spent their first few years firmly attached to Mom, sharing the family bed, and playing barefoot in the mud! Here is her breastfeeding guest post, number 35 in our ?Joys of Breastfeeding Past Infancy? series.

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, Nursing into Toddlerhood – The Most Natural Thing in the World. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CodeNameMama/~3/-MN6qBg8c_U/

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