Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deprived of a nativity

I love Christmas - always have; always will and although I will be resisting the urge to put my decorations up for another couple of weeks (despite the fact that half my street is already flashing and twinkling away in festive glory), I'm all for the tinsel and the silly hats. I'm almost even partial to the odd sprout nowadays.

But I am sorry to say, dear reader, that one aspect of my Christmas experience will be forever missing. I won't be going to see my children in their school nativity (bursts into tears).

Let me explain.

My son's school is non-denominational. This is not only a very long word, it is also a relatively new concept for education in Ireland. It's great for us non-Catholic folk and the school is fantastic, but I will admit to being more than a wee bit sad that this also means that I will never get to see my little boys with tea-towels on their heads holding a toy lamb, or standing with their arms out straight for about 8 hours trying to be angelic (has another little weep).

I have very fond memories of our school nativity in the freezing cold village hall and was a fairly decent Mary myself for several years running. Silly though it may seem, it really quite saddens me that my children won't be following in my nativity thespian footsteps and that as a mother, I am going to be deprived of the opportunity to half laugh/half cry at my off-spring hanging around in a pretend stable. That is one of the reasons we have kids, is it not?

So, please, please think of me when your little ones forget their lines or trip up on their curtain-cum-kingly robe and when you're taking your photos and wiping away a tear or two.

I'm hopeful that at least we'll get a little end of term show and a song or two - if not, I may seriously have to think about changing schools.


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