Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can you do nothing for 2 minutes?

I was sent a link recently by the very lovely author and Tweet-aholic Colette Caddle. She thought it would help to calm me down after I had expressed a large amount of outrage at the Andy Gray/Richard Keys football hoo-ha. She was quite right!

The link simply asks you to do nothing for two whole minutes. Just two little minutes. Easy, I thought. Just sit at the desk and listen to the soothing sound of waves and do nothing. Pah.

I tried it. It is not as easy as you might think.

Why not give it a go and come back and tell me how you did.

So, did you resist the urge to click away, refresh your Twitter timeline, email inbox and blog page? Did you feel all these things nagging at you all the time those e-v-e-r s-o s-l-o-w seconds were ticking away.

My reaction surprised me; how easily I became distracted and how hard I found it to just take two minutes time-out; doing nothing.

I now have this link on permanent standby for when I'm losing it with the kids. Well, it certainly beats locking myself into the downstairs loo.


pre school education autism pedophile

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