Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Families, Create! Make and Play Carnival: March Call for Submissions

Please join us for a new monthly blog carnival focusing on families and creativity. Read below for details, both for the March carnival and for upcoming themes – we have a whole year planned!
Your co-hosts are Dionna at Code Name: Mama and Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children.
So what is the “Families, Create!” Monthly Make [...]

Thank you for subscribing to my RSS feed at Code Name: Mama! I would appreciate your comments and feedback on the entry you just read, Families, Create! Make and Play Carnival: March Call for Submissions. If you write about similar topics, I would also like the opportunity to link to your blog or have you write a guest post. Contact me for details!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CodeNameMama/~3/F5liaDAWU2w/

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