Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My writing journey: Year 2

Hazel Gaynor
so many little time. Aarrrgghhh.
4 Feb via web Favorite Reply Delete

I tweeted this recently. It really is a very good summary of how I feel about my quest to become a published author. If only I could lock myself away in a quiet room for a year. If only I could rush to the laptop and bash out the brilliant idea for a scene which has just occurred to me while I'm reading the boys a bedtime story. If only I could hire a cleaner and a nanny and a chef. If only I could do all that, I'm sure I would be on my fourth bestseller by now.

But of course, I'm quite aware that these are all just excuses. For any writer, aspiring, or otherwise, juggling real life as you try to create a fictional one is always going to be tough, but when I really put my mind to it, I can write very productively. Last November, for example, I diligently wrote 2,000 words a day for two weeks as part of the National Novel Writing Month. I didn't make it all the way to the end of the month (real life really did take over), but for those two weeks I found the time and the inspiration. (OK, maybe nobody was fed and the house was fit for demolition, but I got lots of words written).

It is almost two years since I embarked on my writing journey; starting this blog and dipping my toe into freelancing waters. I'm really proud of what I have achieved during that time; coming close to a publishing deal twice, writing regularly for the national press, winning some awards for my blogging and reaching the point where I'm just about to self-publish an eBook (very exciting and more on that later). I've had my fair share of ups and downs along the way and have thought about packing it all in and retreating to the comfort of the sofa with the remote control on many occasions, but something tells me to just keep going.

So, I've decided that as well as being the Chinese Year of The Rabbit, 2011 is going to be my Year Of Getting Published. F
ollowing the advice of the excellent Laura Jane Cassidy whose debut novel 'Angel Kiss' is published in May, I wrote the following in the front of my new diary:

'2011, the year I turn 40 and get a publishing deal.'

The 'turning 40' part I can do nothing about; the getting published part is entirely in my hands. Literally.

Throughout the last two years, I have been extremely grateful for the advice and support of a fabulous lady; Vanessa O'Loughlin of Inkwell Writers. Vanessa is the brainchild behind the recently launched; the first national
writing resource of its kind. It is absolutely packed to the rafters with expert advice, author interviews, tips and inspiration. I am delighted to have been asked to contribute to the site and will certainly be following the Top 100 tips for writing fiction as I keep looking wistfully at those words in my diary.

For anyone who, like me, feels that 2011 is the year to finally unleash the writer within, I would highly recommend that you take some time to browse through - I'll see you there (unless I'm at my red carpet book launch!)


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