Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Two Years and counting...

Yes, quite unbelievably, Hot Cross Mum is 2 today (cue rousing chorus of 'Happy Blogday to you.....)! I have to say that I'm very delighted to have sustained my little corner of the blogosphere for another year and want to thank everyone who has read and/or commented since I started out in 2009. I simply wouldn't be here without you.

Two isn't a very big age to be in most walks of life, but I think blogs must age in a similar way to cats and dogs because I'm sure my blog is much older than two.

It's funny how a blog turns out to be a barometer of your life; the posts written this year show that I've definitely moved on from the very baby stages of family life; I no longer feel the need to write about the trials and tribulations of potty training or the intense joy of trying to strap rigid children into awkward car seats.

In the past 12 months, just like my children, my blog has grown up a bit. It is now more like a stroppy, emotional teenager; trying to find it's place in life, exploring lots of different things and having more than the occasional rant about this and that - you know, things which really push those buttons!!

I remember writing my 1 year anniversary post (a year ago, as it happens) and wondering whether I would still be blogging 12 months down the line. I am, still blogging away and I'm very excited about the fact that my eBook, based on the blog, will be available within the next week or so! Here's the cover - watch this space for more on that!

In the meantime, there's a very interesting debate on the British Mummy Bloggers network, started by the lovely Liz at Living with Kids, which asks whether blogs have a shelf life? And on the British Mummy Bloggers Blog, there is an interesting new weekly feature: 'Why do you blog?' Check it out and join the debate.

For now, thanks again for reading, commenting and giving me motivation and inspiration to keep on blogging. Here's to the next 12 months!

By the way, the image at the top is from a fantastic website I found the other day called The Literary Gift Company. It has some excellent gifts for those writers/bloggers/Tweeters in your life!


interior design natural parenting pre school education

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