Thursday, May 26, 2011

40 things I've enjoyed on the way to 40: Part 1

Yes, I was a child of the '70s and '80s and as I will be celebrating the ripe old age of FORTY in a couple of weeks, I thought I would become a bit nostalgic and rummage through my decaying brain cells for some gems from my misspent youth. So, here are the first 20 things I have enjoyed immensely on the way to being 40. Any young 'uns reading this won't have a clue what half of the below means (and I offer no apology for that whatsoever!), but for anyone reaching their middle-age years, I hope this brings back fond memories!

1. Midget gems, especially the white and red ones, Wham Bars, Space dust (aka popping candy) and the strictly forbidden candy cigarettes.
2. Lilt, Monster Munch and potted meat sandwiches on school trips.

3. The Dooleys - my first childhood crush on some odd man with alarmlingly feminine hair

4. Sticks of rhubarb straight out of the garden, dipped into bowls of sugar
5. Miss World and Eurovision Song Contests - oh, the excitement, the excitement!
6. The Incredible Hulk on Friday night telly
7. The Dukes of Hazzard on a Saturday teatime
8. Swap Shop
9. Jim'll Fix It
10. Grange Hill
11. Babycham, Asti Supmante, Blue Nun, Mateus Rose and Black Tower wine

12. Making perfume out of rose petals from the garden
13. Mr Benn, Bagpuss, Barbapapa, Ivor The Engine, The Clangers....the list is endless.
14. Sindy dolls
15. Look In, Smash Hits and Just 17 magazines
16. 'Frankie Says Relax' t.shirts
17. Pedal pushers, ra-ra skirts, pixie boots, Batwing jumpers, satin dungarees (or maybe they were my sisters - not quite sure)
18. My Raleigh Wisp bike and wooden Maxply McEnroe tennis racquet birthday presents
19. Seeing Abba live at Wembley Arena
20. Athena posters

Ahhh, the memories! More next week.


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