Sunday, May 22, 2011

What happened when I went back to the 1930s

Well, isn't this all rather jolly. Some very lovely people at Proctor and Gamble (you know, P&G, the people who make fabulous things like Fairy, Pampers, Gillette and Olay) have sent me off to the 1930s. P&G have undertaken lots of research to explore the 'Changing Face of Motherhood' over the last 80 years. I often wish I could change my face. Sigh.

Anyhoo, it's all quite nice here actually: plenty of polite men talking on the radio box and pleasing tunes to listen to. Apparently though, they want me to live as a 1930s housewife for the day and do some authentic, 1930's housework. I am slightly puzzled. "Housework? What is that?", I asked.

They laughed and gave me some carbolic soap, cold cream cleanser, rouge, loose powder, coal tar soap, a washboard, vinegar, lemons, a mop and bucket and a delightfully fetching headscarf and told me to get on with it. What? No washing machine? No dishwasher? No cleaning lady? Goodness me. I almost had a nose bleed at the mere thought of it all.

Anyway, this ladies and gentlemen, is what happened next. Be warned, this video contains scenes of graphic domestic failure. Some footage of attempts to apply 'elbow grease' are also quite frightening.

Hot Cross Mum - Life Before P&G Challenge from Fleishman-Hillard Dublin on Vimeo.

So, that's what life is like in the 1930's. Jolly good and tickety boo, I say. Recent research by P&G indicates that modern mothers have just 26 minutes a day to themselves. I honestly don't know what these modern ladies are all complaining about with their dishwashers and tumble dryers to do their housework for them. It's no wonder they spend the day half-inebriated, they have nothing else to do with their time.

Oh, and some other mums have been time travelling with P&G too. Check out Edith Bowman above! Yes, actual celebrity ladies were forced to scrub their husband's smalls with carbolic soap. Oh the shame!

Some other spiffing bloggers have also been undertaking the challenge. Check out Mid Thirties Life, Emily at Babyrambles and Being a Mummy who even made herself an authentic, 1930's apron for the task! Horrah!

Now, I must dash off and re-apply my lipstick before my husband returns from the office or he will surely consider me a wretched woman and run off with Mrs Charmichael down the road.


pre school education autism pedophile

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