Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is Mother's Day important?

It's kind of difficult to ignore the fact that Mother's Day is looming. The shops and online stores are festooned with ideas for Mothers Day Presents and I can't find any straightforward birthday cards for four and five-year-olds; they've all been removed to make way for the millions of Mother's Day cards. And this, apart from giving me a birthday card induced headache, has me thinking about the relevance and importance of Mother's Day.

Of course the day has proper historical foundations from the ancient Greeks and in more recent times was linked to the fourth Sunday of Lent, but as far as modern day 'Mother's Day', has it just become another commercial 'Hallmark' day, or does it actually still mean something?

Mother's Day is an odd occasion for me: having lost my own mum in my early twenties I can't participate in the day as a daughter; but since having my own children, I obviously can now participate as a mother. But I'm still not entirely sure I'm all that bothered.

Of course, it's lovely to get a little home-made card with a picture of yourself on the front which makes you look like a banshee, and a cup of tea in bed never goes amiss, but apart from that I can honestly say I don't expect - or need - any more fuss to be made of me. Perhaps I'm missing a trick. Perhaps I'm missing the point? I really don't know.

Maybe when I'm old and grey (or should that be older and greyer), I'll be more insistent that my errant sons buck their ideas up and at least phone me on Mother's Day, even if the flowers and expensive lunch never materialise. But for now, the cup of tea in bed and an extra special cuddle will do quite nicely.

What about you? Do you have high hopes for the day? Do you make a big fuss of your own mother and do you expect/hope to be showered with gifts and attention yourself, or does it not really bother you?

Answers on an over-sized, pink, floral infested greetings card please.

Source: http://hotcrossmum.blogspot.com/2011/03/is-mothers-day-important.html

pre school education autism pedophile

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