Sunday, November 21, 2010

That's not my house....

That?s not my house, its windows are too dirty.

That?s not my house, its floors are too grubby.

That?s not my house, its kitchen bin is too smelly.

That?s not my house, its bookcase is too dusty.

That?s not my house, its garden furniture has wet rot.

That?s not my house, its kitchen cupboards need a good sorting out.

That?s not my house, its tomato plants have all fallen over and no-one can be bothered to pick them up.

That's not my house, its inhabitants are too noisy.

That's not my house, its front garden is too weedy.

That's not my house, its sandpit is too spidery.

That?s not my house??oh, hang on, that actually is my house.


natural parenting pre school education autism

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