Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When you were young.....

When I was young, I wanted to be a PE teacher! I know. Shocking! I think this bizarre idea probably came from watching too much Grange Hill or something. I was always very sporty at school so, with very little awareness of many other 'careers' (having elimenated the usual ones of nurse, air hostess or hairdresser at a young age), this seemed like an obvious choice.

And then for some reason that all got ditched and when we had our career options meetings in 6th form, I decided I wanted to be a lawyer. "But you're very good at English," they said, "Would you not like to go and study English at university?" Erm, not really. My sister was doing that I didn't want to be accused of blatant copying!

Then I was put off law by someone telling me I might end up having to defend a mass mur-diddily-erderer or something, so I canned that idea (not having received any decent advice about solicitors, barristers, careers in business or corporate law or other types of law not involving the criminal underworld) and I ended up doing a Business degree. A safe, general, keep-your-options open kind of choice which led to a career Human Resources (cue the boos!).

And now, when I am not so young? Now I want to be a writer. And in many ways I am. I freelance, I blog, I've had interest from agents and publishers, I've had a column in a newspaper, I'm working on a novel. I write every day in some form or other. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! So much more enjoyable than trying to encourage a bunch of sweaty kids to run around a track, or carrying out the legal due diligence on a business takeover, or interviewing the 50th socially inept candidate for a vacancy which is impossible to fill. But until I see my book, my creation, sitting there on the bookshelf, I can't really, truly believe I am a writer.

Suffice, to say, that I didn't really know what I wanted to be when I was young. But I do now.

Thank you to the lovely Karen at If I Could Escape for passing this meme onto me. ?What did you want to be when you were young? is the new brainchild of The Blog Up North. I would now like to pass the honor onto the following. Please borrow the graphic, mention who tagged you, tag some others and get writing. And, even if you?ve not been tagged, please feel free to join in.

Source: http://hotcrossmum.blogspot.com/2010/09/when-you-were-young.html

interior design natural parenting pre school education

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